*You are required to attend the first meeting for the group for which you have registered. Then, after that first meeting, you may miss only one of the next four group meetings in order to participate in the group. If unable to meet these requirements, please register for a future group.
The format for GraceMarriage assumes that both spouses will attend the group sessions together, not one spouse attending without the other.
Payments for materials may be made by cash or check (made payable to MPCC). There is no way to pay online or with a credit card for Soul Care materials. Money for materials will be exchanged at your first group meeting.
Scholarships (full or in part) are available for those in need. As scholarship funds are limited, this financial assistance must be requested by emailing Mary Kay Jones at least one week before your group begins.
Child care is provided through Bibleopolis for Sunday groups only. If your child(ren) birth-Grade 4 have never participated in Bibleopolis, please email Mary Kay Jones for information.
Approximately one week before your group begins, you will receive additional details such as the room in which your group will meet.
Email Mary Kay Jones with any specific questions that have not been addressed.